What are Clear Aligners?

Candid™ Clear Aligners

These innovative clear aligner systems provide a modern approach to teeth straightening and bite correction. Utilizing advanced software and digital models of your teeth, a series of transparent plastic trays will be crafted. These trays, devoid of wires, metal, or rubber bands, gently shift your teeth into alignment through gradual pressure, often reducing discomfort and treatment duration. We wil provide you with the  several sets of aligners, enabling you to switch to a new set every two weeks at home.

Benefits Of Clear Aligners

Straight teeth aren’t just for kids! 

While many people associate straight teeth with a beautiful smile, the benefits extend beyond aesthetics to encompass improved oral health. A properly aligned bite contributes to overall wellness. Teeth that are overlapped, crooked, or rotated pose a cleaning challenge, as they create small crevices where food particles and bacterial plaque can accumulate beyond the reach of regular brushing and flossing. The accumulation of plaque and tartar in these areas can lead to cavities and inflammation of the gums. By addressing even minor misalignments, you can significantly enhance your oral health and enjoy a gorgeous smile.

The removable nature of these trays allows for normal eating and cleaning, providing a level of convenience unmatched by traditional braces. Additionally, the smooth texture of the plastic enhances comfort, minimizing irritation to the tongue and cheeks. Adhering to consistent wear,  22 hours daily, is crucial for treatment success. While primarily popular among adults, responsible teenagers can also benefit from this method.


  • Improved Oral Health
  • Convenience
  • Much more comfortable than traditional braces
  • Drastically boosts self-confidence

Candid™ Cost

Your dream smile might be closer than you realize with our flexible payment options. Get in touch with our office today for further details and take the first step toward achieving the smile you've always wanted.